

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Great Wall Boulders

Rock climbing in Squamish, B.C. using the Squamish Select climbing guide to lead us to The Great Wall Boulders. 

Tanner- Shot with my Nikon D300, 17-55mm. Shot at 1/125, f/2.8, ISO 400, in the shade.
We set up camp that night at Cat Lake, just 15minutes north of The Chief. A great walk-in campground that circles the lake. Superb swimming, especially mid-late summer. 

I found that the use of creative angles was important to show the climber's position on the rock as well as how they used their limbs to hang on! Timing was also important when a challenging move was being attempted such as a dyno. It only lasts a moment and it's fun to capture the climber in mid motion. Plus, the shot looks cool whether the climber grabbed the hold or not.

For those looking to start climbing, or to keep in shape over the winter visit Vancouver's climbing gym: Cliffhanger