

Monday, November 10, 2014

All-Girls Weekend Spa

We got a group of girls together this weekend for an outdoor adventure. We celebrated fall in the best possible way by hiking into some natural hot springs outside of Pemberton, BC. It was 10 kilometres in on a slow-going trail, but the destination was absolutely worth the effort. 

An all-star group of girls

We're so lucky to live in BC!

Steam rising from the hot springs

The snow-line dropped as it rained all night, but the sun came out in the morning for an awesome hike out. 

Friday, August 1, 2014

The Bugaboos

Happy Canada Day! 

I finally made it to the Bugaboos with friends old and new. It felt all kinds of right waking up to this view on Canada Day morning. 

Check out more photos on Millie Kuyer Photography's Facebook page: The Bugaboos

Sunday, January 5, 2014

First tour of 2014.
My friend Tyler and I packed up and headed up Duffy Lake Road on Friday for a little winter excursion. We were lucky to have open schedules after a small snow storm was followed by clear blue skies. 

Wendy-Thompson Hut
We were an hour or two into our trek when we ran into someone that informed us there was a cabin in the valley. Stoked to check it out, we forged our way to it. However, we were geared up for winter camping, so we didn't get to take full advantage of the shelter. 

Setting up camp before a quick headlamp run. 

A sliver of a moon seen from camp. 

A wind-scoured snow surface and tracks up to the saddle.

Tyler peeling back his skins.
Behind Tyler, to the East, is a view of the valley back to Duffy Lake Road.  

My first powder run of the year.

Tyler coasting through a boulder field. 
A little more snow would have made it an even greater playground.